Date : Saturday July 20, 2024
Time : Start Times Vary from 5:00am-7:00am CT
Location : Red Hawk Park
651 St. Charles Rd., Carol Stream, IL 60188
Welcome to the least expensive Ultra or Team Relay you will ever sign up to run!
The Dick Pond Athletics / Worth Your Mile Running, Road Warrior Race is a 33.5 mile race through the trails and streets of Carol Stream, West Chicago, Geneva, Batavia, North Aurora, Warrenville, Wheaton and returning to Red Hawk Park in Carol Stream. The race can be run as an individual or as a relay team of varying sizes. Although open to the general public for participation, this race is free to all members of the Dick Pond Racing team for 2024. You can have multiple runners going at the same time or even a runner along side someone on a bike. The only requirements for completion of this race is that at least one runner runs the entirety of a leg and all legs are completed by the team.
The start time of the race will vary based on anticipated completion time with the goal of having the majority of teams complete by noon at which point they can walk across the street to the Dick Pond Athletics location in Carol Stream for the after party for free food and drinks.
If you are running this race as a team of 1 or an individual runner, register using the individual option.
If you are on a Relay Team and you are the captain, make sure you create your team at registration and generate a passcode to provide to your teammates. If you are a teammate, chose the option to join an existing team, select the team from the drop down and type in the password provided to you by your captain. You will not be able to sign up for a team until your captain registers and creates the team.

ALL Members of the Dick Pond Racing Team can participate for FREE.
To become a member of Dick Pond Racing, simply signup at https://www.dickpondracing.com/membership.html
All members will be given an access code to allow them to register for this race with no charge at checkout.
If you are not interested in becoming a member of the Dick Pond Racing team, this event is still open for you to participate. Simply pay the registration price listed below. You will get all the same race day perks and can still join a team with Dick Pond Racing team members.
Race Pricing
$30 Registration Per Team Member
$40 Registration Per Team Member
Event Calendar
02/09/2024 : Registration Opens
06/27/2024 : Event Pricing Changes
07/19/2024 : Online Registration Closes
Race Day Schedule
05:00 am - 07:00 am : All Teams and Individuals Runners Start
11:30 am - 01:30 pm : After party
*Other fun things in the works

Course Logistics
***** Please keep in mind that there are multiple street and road crossings on this course. It is important to always follow the rules of the road as a pedestrian. There will be no support or volunteers to hold up traffic or assist your in crossing these roads. Be smart and be safe navigating the course. *****
The course will have been marked at the trail intersections with chalk and race signage, so be on the look out for those, in particular at forks in the trail. Otherwise follow the trail signs, after connecting down to the Geneva Spur of the prairie path we will be then transitioning to the Fox River Trail on the east side of the river. Then to the Batavia Spur of the Prairie Path, then on to the main Spur of the Prairie path towards Wheaton. As we run through town and neighborhoods we will always be running on sidewalks.
At the end of each of the legs, at every exchange point, you will find an aid station manned by volunteers. The aid stations will be equipped with water, ice and energy, or endurance drinks. All Ultra runners will find that each exchange point is a great place to meet any crew assisting you with your race.
Each team and will be provided handouts for the drivers for making there way around the course and individual course descriptions for each of the legs to guide runners from point to point. Those will be handed out as you check in at the race start/finish prior to departure. All your team members will need to sign in prior to leaving so we know who's out there.

All participants will receive a Road Warrior Relay Race SWAG.
All participants are invited to join the after party at the Dick Pong Athletics in Carol Stream, across the street from the finish starting at 11:00am. Food, Drinks and deserts will be provided.
What if I can't come to the race?​
Worth Your Mile Running is committed to providing an excellent running experience and although we do not provide refunds for races under any circumstances, we understand life does have a way of changing your plans and do allow participants to transfer their registration to another runner. Instructions on how to complete this process can be found in the registration pages.
Transfers will be allowed for races of the same distance or a shorter distance. Transfers to longer distances can be done with the new participant paying the difference between the races costs based on the cost at the time of the transfer and not at the time of the original purchase. There will be a $2.00 transfer fee for all transfers.
How many team members can we have?
There is no limit on how many members you can have on your team. There are 6 legs and you can choose to break up those legs among as many people as you want. In the past teams have doubled up on legs or had people on bike while someone ran. You can even run all the legs on your own and complete an Ultra.
When do we know when our race start time will be?
Race start times will be based on your estimated completion duration. The goal is to have as many teams finish around the same time as possible so that we can all enjoy the after party together. Race start times will be provided on July 20 and an email will be sent to all the captains.
I am a member of the Dick Pond Racing Team and I have not received my race code. Who do I contact?
When you sign up for the Dick Pond Racing team, the Road Warrior registration code is an additional benefit and the codes are provided to all participants at the end of the week after they sign up. Race team members that sign-up from Monday - Sunday will receive their code on the next Wednesday. If you have lost your code or did not receive it, contact the race director at j.delrisco@worthyourmile.com.
What aid is provided during the race?
Each exchange point will have an aid station with water, ice and energy, or endurance drinks. You can have race crew meet you at each exchange point to assist you in the race.